Amy Wolkin, DrPh, MSPH
Adjunct Faculty
Dr. Amy Wolkin is the chief of the Data Analytics Branch in the Division of Injury Prevention (DIP) at CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC). She leads a multidisciplinary group who provide leadership on the health statistics, data science, health economic research, and programming and web application development for NCIPC. She provides national leadership on injury surveillance and expertise on data analytics for current and emerging public health priorities.
Prior to joining NCIPC, she served as the senior adviser for at-risk populations at CDC’s Center for Preparedness and Response (CPR), where she led efforts to address health equity issues and improve the resilience of at-risk populations to natural and human-caused disasters, disease outbreaks and other adverse events.
An epidemiologist by training, Dr. Wolkin previously served as chief of the Health Studies Branch at the National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH). During her tenure with NCEH she led numerous domestic and international outbreak investigations, conducted epidemiologic research and responded to domestic and international emergency responses. Additionally, she led several national surveillance efforts:
- Provided scientific oversight and management of the National Poison Data System
- Directed CDC surveillance efforts for monitoring disaster-related injuries and deaths
- Implemented the Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response toolkit to assist health departments in conducting emergency and non-emergency community needs assessments
Her research experienceincludes data analytics, surveillance, environmental epidemiology, systems thinking, and emergency preparedness and response. She has authored more than 80 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters.
Dr. Wolkin earned her Doctor of Public Health from the UNC Gillings School’s Executive Doctoral Program in Health Leadership, and a Master of Science in Public Health (epidemiology and environmental/occupational health) from Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia.