Brandon G. Wilson, DrPH, MHA
Adjunct Faculty (he, him, his)
Dr. Brandon G. Wilson, DrPH, MHA, leads the Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation at Community Catalyst. As director, he brings the community’s experience to the forefront of health systems transformation and health reform efforts in order to deliver better care, better value and better health for every community, particularly to vulnerable and historically underserved populations. The Center’s services include community advocacy around the country to establish an effective voice at all levels of the health care system; collaboration with innovative health plans, hospitals and providers to incorporate communities into the design of systems of care; state and federal policymaking to ensure the health care system is more responsive to communities; and consulting to health care organizations to help them create meaningful structures for engagement with their communities.
Before joining the Center, Dr. Wilson served as a Senior Public Health Advisor with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Office of Minority Health (OMH), where he led strategic initiatives to implement the Biden-Harris Administration’s priorities on health equity for underserved communities. In this role, Dr. Wilson developed a health equity business-case portfolio. He most recently received the CMS Impact Award from CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure for advancing health equity and accessibility in COVID-19 for persons living with disabilities.
Prior to joining CMS OMH, Dr. Wilson led a $250 million portfolio in the CMS Innovation Center’s Accountable Health Communities Model as well as the Health Care Innovation Awards. At the Innovation Center, he spearheaded the Health Equity Working Group, which laid the foundation for the Center’s health equity focus in its 10-year strategy refresh.
Dr. Wilson also directed culture of patient safety quality improvement projects for the NIH Clinical Center Office of the Director, reducing medication errors in the inpatient oncology pharmacy department. In addition, he headed recruitment and retention approaches for increasing minority screening, enrollment and retention in preventative and therapeutic vaccine clinical trials and participation in the Community Advisory Board at NIH. For advancing a malaria vaccine through a clinical trial, and an exceptional commitment and dedication in identifying a solution for malaria’s global threat, Dr. Wilson received awards from NIH’s Director, Dr. Francis Collins, and from NIAID’s Director, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Dr. Wilson brings a wealth of knowledge, skills and abilities in advocacy, health policy and research from national policy organizations such as the National Association of People with AIDS.
Dr. Wilson completed his Master’s in Health Systems Management at George Mason University and his Doctor of Public Health at Morgan State University. He also holds a Health Sciences (Health Administration and Public Health) faculty appointment at Purdue University, where he teaches courses in health economics and policy, cultural competence and communications for health professionals, community health assessments and health care marketing.
His research interests include using patient-centered and indigenous models of care, health economics outcomes research, policy analysis, as well as community-based participatory and action research to eliminate health disparities and advance health equity in underserved and disinvested communities.